Add or Edit an Emergency Contact
Test Objectives
Test Tasks
  • Does the user understand the importance of adding and editing emergency contact information?
  • Does this help them trust the device to meet their needs?
Nine anonymous users comprised of 5 patients, 3 nurses, and 1 doctor
  1. Click the “Emergency” tab at the bottom of the screen
  2. Select an existing emergency contact (besides 911/Hospital/Doctor) or Select + ADD
  3. Fill out the Edit/Add Contact Modal
  4. Task complete when user clicks Save
Business Case
Location & Dates
This survey section will address if the add and edit function of emergency contacts is easy to use. Including providing users an extra sense of security and trust towards the device.
  • Laptop
  • Mobile
  • Chrome
Online via Chrome Browser from 10/19/21 - 10/21/21
Introduce to section 5 of 10
Follow instructions to complete tasks
Complete tasks with best of your ability
Answer questions about effort taken for task
Proceed to section 6 of 10