Take a Snapshot of Heart Health
Test Objectives
Test Tasks
  • Does the user know how to take a snapshot of their health?
  • Does the user understand the value of the snapshot feature?
  • Will this feature help them achieve a goal or complete a task?
Nine anonymous users comprised of 5 patients, 3 nurses, and 1 doctor
  1. Attempt to use the snapshot feature to send your current heart health info to anyone authorized to receive it.
  2. Task is considered completed when the user sends the snapshot data and the popup window closes.
Business Case
Location & Dates
This survey section will address if a user understands how to use the snapshot device. This will determine if the snapshot application can be used and benefit the overall user experience.
  • Laptop
  • Mobile
  • Chrome
Online via Chrome Browser from 10/19/21 - 10/21/21
Introduce to section 9 of 10
Complete tasks with best of your ability
Answer questions about effort taken for task
Proceed to section 10 of 10