Usability Test Plan: LifeLine Device
Authors: H541 Group 1
Contact Details:
Final Date: 10/21/21
Product Under Test
Test Objectives
Test Tasks
LifeLine prototype device
The goal is to improve the usability of the prototype and correct any interface errors. To determine if the LifeLine device is usable and allows patients and medical health professionals to achieve specific tasks.
Nine anonymous users comprised of 5 patients, 3 nurses, and 1 doctor
  1. Measuring Blood Pressure/Viewing Historic BP data.
  2. Navigating to the Electrocardiogram App Screen
  3. Using the Calendar App to view Medication/Physical Therapy/ or Appointment information.
  4. Add or Edit an Emergency Contact (complete once they click OK on the modal).
  5. Navigate to Visibility Enhancements in Accessibility, Select High Contrast and Larger Font then Save.
The team responsibility is to discover and efficiently record product errors and participants feedback.
  • To deliver the survey
  • Inform participants about the prototype
Business Case
Location & Dates
We are performing this test to determine if the product delivers an effective and enjoyable user experience.
  • Laptop
  • Mobile
  • Chrome
10/18/21 - Zoom, Slack
10/21/21 - Zoom
To find and recruit participants
Deliver the survey to participants
Evaluate survey results
Design recommendations based on findings and research
Final report of prototype changes and possible future enhancements